Our website aims to provide detailed information about Klean Industries—who we are, what we do, our operations, areas of work, and our motivations. We hope you enjoy exploring the site, discovering valuable insights, and understanding our mission.

We aspire for this site to resonate with you and encourage reflection on essential topics like sustainability and the circular economy and their significance to all of us. Behind this website is a dedicated team of professionals—executives, engineers, scientists, professors, inventors, entrepreneurs, activists, environmentalists, and investors—who collectively believe in our ability to build and support new, clean, renewable energy sources. These efforts aim to reduce pollution, combat climate change, and foster sustainable economies for future generations.

On our site, you will find innovative technologies and solutions being implemented today. We are committed to cultivating ideas representing a new way of thinking about resources, waste management, clean energy, and the environment. Our focus is on proven technologies that convert waste into valuable resources, allowing us to do more with less. We hope you recognize the possibilities when we move beyond traditional landfill and incineration methods.

While waste is abundant, knowledge about transforming it into an environmental and financial asset is often lacking. The Klean Team continuously develops methods to go beyond the conventional “reduce, reuse, recycle” approach, creating new revenue streams while contributing to environmental sustainability.

At Klean Industries, we help customers eliminate waste or convert it into valuable commodities. We often leverage new and emerging technologies to create systems that recover or repurpose materials previously considered worthless. A vital aspect of our business strategy is providing technologies that redesign how businesses consume and reuse the vast array of constantly extracted, mined, and harvested resources.

One striking statistic underscores the demands our current global economic system places on the Earth: every day, the world’s economy consumes an amount of energy that took the planet 10,000 days to create. In simpler terms, utilities, vehicles, homes, factories, and farms consume 27 years’ worth of stored solar energy every 24 hours. Essentially, each year, humanity consumes what took the Earth nearly 9,855 years to produce; a shocking and unsustainable reality.

At Klean Industries, we design and build sustainable solutions, specializing in commercially viable resource recovery models that emulate nature’s principle of “waste equals food,” where the waste from one industry serves as feedstock for another. We offer comprehensive waste resource and management solutions to various customers, including governments, industries, and businesses. From planning and designing to constructing waste system infrastructure, we provide innovative technologies and systems for processing, recycling, reusing, recovering, and converting waste into value. We are leaders in optimizing sustainable waste streams.

Environmental stewardship benefits businesses and communities and the overall health of our planet. We help customers reduce ecological management costs while minimizing business risks and liabilities, seeking opportunities to convert liabilities into assets. We apply best management practices and select only the most efficient, environmentally superior, cost-effective technologies for each task. Whatever your environmental focus, Klean Industries can assist you in achieving a practical balance between your mission statement, financial goals, and the balance of nature.

Today’s businesses must prioritize three essential issues:

  1. What they take
  2. What they make
  3. What they waste

These aspects have never been more interconnected. With dwindling resources and increasing ecosystem demands, we must reassess our business practices. In our model, everything is integrated, as in nature, fostering greater prosperity throughout the business chain. This leads to improved business ethics, better environmental conditions, increased profits, reduced costs, more job opportunities, and enhanced prosperity for all living things.

Financial prosperity arises naturally from utilizing environmentally responsible resource-recovery technologies. Our technologies can be vertically integrated with various types of businesses, and we have developed several business models that include nearly every aspect of healthy, environmentally responsible collaboration across all levels of business. These integration models are revolutionizing contemporary business practices and shaping the future of commerce.

Our company is committed to caring for the natural environment and is more aware than ever of how our design, engineering, consulting, and corporate practices impact the world around us.

Wishing you all the best on behalf of Klean Industries.


CEO: Mr. J. Klinkhamer
Klean Industries Inc.