To be a world-leading, vertically integrated, and sustainable producer of circular oil products, energy, and precious commodities from hydrocarbon-based waste.

To capture the entire value chain by utilizing best-in-class, proven technologies and to set the gold standard in corporate and social responsibility while becoming a profit leader in sustainability wherever we do business.

To contribute to improving the environment for all living things on earth and to collectively create and develop an environmentally conscious, sustainable society.

Company Name Klean Industries Inc.
Company CEO Jesse Klinkhamer
Established June 3, 2005
Capitalization Private company (as of Jan 1, 2025)
Business Domain Energy Technologies
Environmental Technologies
Waste to Energy Consulting
Waste Management & Recycling
Alternative Energy Solutions
System Design & Process Engineering
Site Management
Project Development
Corporate Records Office Suite 2500 - 700 West Georgia Street,
Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada, V7Y 1B3
Tel: +1.604.637.9609
Fax: +1.604.637.9609
Email: sales(@)
Number of Branches & Offices 12 (as of Jan 1, 2025)
Number of Subsidiaries & Affiliates 12 (as of Jan 1, 2025)
Number of Employees, Consultants & Advisors

Non-consolidated approximately 25 (Parent / TopCo)

Consolidated approximately 150 (as of Jan 1, 2025)

Financial year-end December 31
Company auditors DMCL
Stock Exchange Listings To be announced in 2025/2026
Transfer agent To be announced in 2025/2026