As a vertically integrated energy company focused on recovering clean energy and resources from waste, it only makes sense for our group of companies to be as green as possible. That being said, it is only fitting that our company also strives to be a carbon-neutral company. Throughout our global project base, we generate both Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol. Our various installations and projects are producing renewable energy, recycling, and/or recovering valuable resources from various inputs, feedstocks, and waste streams. CERs can be used for compliance with the EU Emission Trading Scheme and other national schemes.

In some cases due to our extensive worldwide project base, our executive management team also purchases offsets as a means to lower our own personal carbon footprint from our extensive travels. Above and beyond the generation and purchasing of offsets, we walk our talk by being active members of the communities in which we live and work. We keep our own affairs in order and actively work to offset the greenhouse gas emissions created as a result of our global activities.

We also fly carbon neutral. Why? Climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing humanity. Two centuries of industrial activity have increased greenhouse gas (GHG) levels in the atmosphere by 50%. This traps extra energy in the atmosphere leading to climate change, sea-level rise, and intense weather events. Air travel currently accounts for 3% of all human-caused GHG emissions but Klean, with the below-mentioned companies, has pledged to be a part of the solution. Klean is a leader in the fight against climate change – through the success of innovative market-based commercial technologies that deliver the highest returns both environmentally and financially.

For more information on becoming carbon neutral and to find out more about our partners that help us enable these green credentials, please click on the logo below:

Offsetters Clean Technology Inc ClimeCo Corporation

If you’re in need of carbon credits, please visit our commodity sales website » GO.