Sustainability has always been an integrated part of Klean’s corporate policy. It is reflected in the daily work of each Klean employee as well as in the management principles and business processes implemented within the Klean Group.
We at Klean are committed to sustainable development. For Klean, sustainable development encompasses a full set of environmental measures but at the same time goes beyond them. Our strong belief is that only businesses living up to their social, economic, and environmental responsibilities can be sustainable. We also regard sustainability as an important strategic success factor. By offering our customers state-of-the-art technologies and solutions, that are innovative, efficient, and minimize the consumption of media and resources, we contribute to environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources. Sustainable thinking is therefore an important part of everything we do.
The intense efforts of Klean for sustainability are being confirmed as we prepare for the inclusion of Klean in a sustainability index. This index encompasses all companies listed on the Stock Exchange which are leaders in social and ecological sustainability.
The following are some examples of our activities targeted at and contributing to sustainable development in the economic, social, and environmental fields.
Involvement is another success factor for Klean. Employees are generally encouraged to contribute their knowledge and experience. A challenge for Klean has been the integration of newly acquired companies and/or technologies, so great importance is laid upon measures to integrate leadership staff and employees in such cases. Cooperation with the works councils is another principle for Klean, and all relevant issues are always resolved in close collaboration with the worker representatives. Klean also substantially invests in the attraction of highly qualified personnel, working in cooperation with various universities which is one activity that supports our recruiting efforts.
We support our client’s through our quoting and project development by providing a wealth of information and specifications about Klean Industries systems and technologies.
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