If you’re seriously considering an alternative energy project utilizing waste as the primary feedstock you need the help of Klean Industries. Don’t waste your time even looking at one-off technologies, un-bankable suppliers, or unproven pilot scale technologies. We design and manufacture our own equipment and solution for customers and sometimes even some of their clients. What we do others only talk about, as we are fully integrated and becoming more integrated every year from raw material procurement to plant and equipment manufacturing to plant output and resource sales.
Not a day goes by where we don’t hear, other vendors saying they are the “worlds first” in tire pyrolysis and or plastic pyrolysis or some other “false” achievement when the simple fact remains — they didn’t even exist when Klean Team was doing it commercially. Do the math, and check their incorporation date and their reference list of commercial-grade equipment installations.
Know Your Market & Solutions Available
We offer some of the best thermal treatment technologies on the market today. Our pyrolysis and gasification-based technologies are industrial scale, commercially proven, and have decades of profitable operations behind them. Combine this with our industry-leading partnerships with some of the largest end-users in the market place and you’ll know why we are a leading alternative energy solutions company. From a commercial standpoint, the technologies we offer have been scaled far beyond other vendors in the marketplace. Additionally, our technologies are used and endorsed by some of the leading industrials throughout the energy sector.
If you’re looking for high-volume processing plants, with small footprints and a long operational history spanning several decades, then Klean is your perfect partner. We offer systems capable of continuous feedstock processing in whole form, without pre-treatment a unique innovation not available with other providers. Additionally, Klean has vertically integrated the entire commodity supply chain with a unique and audit-driven sales process providing our customers with a commodity buyback program. Due diligence is key to the successful implementation of any alternative energy solution and at Klean we start is with a multi-phased approach. This phased approach delivers a resource evaluation, site design, and economic model sufficient to commercially develop thermal processing projects such as carbonization, pyrolysis, or gasification, that optimize the recyclates as a commercial resource.
We support our client’s through our quoting and project development by providing a wealth of information and specifications about Klean Industries systems and technologies.
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