It makes no sense to trade one management or environmental problem for another. Energy-from-waste through the Klean's PGL (pyrolysis, gasification & liquefaction) systems use little or no water, they help manage waste problems and produce much better emissions profiles than any combustion generating systems.
Air Quality
Because the feedstock for each system can be different depending on the specific project and configuration, the air emissions may vary. However what we can tell you is based on our years of experience gained from operational projects and tests we've completed over years, "typical" emissions from any Klean system will be considered a "minor source" with a favorable profile compared to any combustion generating system. With regard to greenhouse gas emissions, there is no doubt that the Klean systems and technologies have a proven working profile, in multiple locations that outperform other vendors -- this is a fact and we welcome you to any of our facilities to see them in operation.
Residual Ash / Carbon Char / Carbon Black
Depending on the feedstock the end-product of the process is either residual inert ash and/or carbon and both products are suitable for a variety of uses. The end use of the residual depends on the feedstock composition. The ash product from the gasification of feedstock is generally used as a filler product in cement, asphalt, and road aggregate applications.
The carbon products from either carbonization or pyrolysis have a multitude of uses and are predominately used in the production of activated carbon for water & air emissions treatment, as high-grade rubber filler applications, and as an alternative to virgin-based carbon black for reinforcement or tinting in rubber and plastic. Klean CBk carbon products can be used by both manufacturers and compounders of reinforced rubber and tinted plastics.
Water Use
The typical facility recycles its own water within a specialized water cooling and storage system. This system allows for the rapid cool down of finished end product and can be used to assist in rapid shut cool of reactor units if need be. The systems do not produce wastewater nor do they consume large amounts of water. However certain processing applications may require water, in most cases using a closed-loop system, whereby the water is recirculated in and out of its own containment vessel for recycling and cooling. Most systems have an onsite water storage system capable of housing 10,000 liters. If an open-loop system is required for certain applications most facilities will only use 180 gallons of water per day.
We support our client’s through our quoting and project development by providing a wealth of information and specifications about Klean Industries systems and technologies.
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