If you have a waste-to-energy or resource recovery project in mind and want to integrate alternative energy into your business strategy, or are seeking business opportunities in the energy from waste industry, there is no need to waste time trying to evaluate the project’s costs and merits. Klean Industries evaluates dozens of projects and potential projects each month, which keeps us current with environmental regulations, permitting requirements, and perhaps most importantly, equipment costs, both designed and installed.
With this level of expertise, Klean can creatively look at your situation and offer the best possible solution at the best price. We can provide detailed budgetary capital cost quotes for early consideration by prospective customers and project development partners.
Why Klean?
Details matter - we design, manufacture, build, and install only the highest quality equipment for alternative energy projects around the globe. We use only the most commercially proven technologies to convert waste into valuable resources.
Learn why we are leaders in the thermal processing of waste » GO.
What value do we provide our customers & project partners? | |
Requirements & Policies
As a part of Klean’s new inquiry policies, we no longer accept inquiries from start-up companies or unfunded projects. Klean is only taking on advanced paying customers on an upfront quote fee or consulting service basis due to the large amounts of defaulted projects and “go nowhere inquires”.
Fees & Refund Policy
Klean views prepayment as a mutual commitment to the success of the relationship we’re creating with our customers. By paying upfront, the customer commits to participating in the process, and we commit to providing value and delivering on the trust they have placed in us. All upfront fees are deducted from the project’s overall development & capital costs.
This fee is non-refundable and all sales are final. We insist that this is the way we do business as we believe this process aligns both parties’ interests and separates the serious project developers from the ones that are not.
Step by step
We have a clear, staged process that outlines how we operate and what a customer receives. We invoice immediately and then do what we say we’re going to do. To obtain a budgetary quote all inquiries must follow the below procedure and then download, fax, mail, or scan & email the forms back to us. This will enable us to gain an initial understanding of the scope and size of your project. We will then follow up to discuss your project in more detail prior to preparing the budgetary quote.
Driving in Change: Creating Vertically Integrated Tire Recycling Solutions
[Learn More >> GO]Re-inventing Oil: Turning Plastic Waste into Profitable Synthetic Diesel Fuel & Chemicals
[Learn More >> GO]Ending Landfills: Using Advanced Thermal Treatment Technologies to Recoverable Energy & Resources
[Learn More >> GO]We support our client’s through our quoting and project development by providing a wealth of information and specifications about Klean Industries systems and technologies.