Klean Industries is specialized in the design, manufacture, and installation of advanced thermal treatment facilities using pyrolysis, and gasification technologies to produce recovered resources and clean energy products. Our primary applications convert municipal solid wastes into clean electrical energy and transform petroleum-based waste streams (such as plastics and tires) into valuable carbon and oil commodities for reuse - reinventing oil with conservation and energy efficiency.
A Long History of Commercial Success in Technology Development & Implementation
Klean Industries utilizes the combined technologies and expertise of several different and unique German & Japanese engineering companies that previously specialized in quite different market sectors - namely thermal structural engineering, waste management, and oil refining. This combined, multi-industry background has allowed Klean Industries to develop a technologically unique range of technology solutions for converting waste into energy and for recovering valuable resources.
A key attribute to some of the Klean innovations has come from the Japanese marketplace. Japan has a very large population (over 125 million) but very limited space, Japanese industry was forced to confront the problem of too much waste many decades ago and as a result, many of the leading waste management technologies have emerged from Japan.
Japan realized that waste materials should no longer be considered worthless and sent to landfill sites, but should be viewed and treated as a valuable resource. Vital to the development of the technologies was a thorough understanding and knowledge of waste materials, their composition, treatment, and disposal as well as the problems facing the waste management industry. It was from this perspective that our team, partners, and technology developers were able to maximize the strengths of their various designs and processes, leading to the creation of a unique range of non-combustion recycling and recovery systems offered by Klean Industries.
The initial thermal treatment technologies were deployed commercially in the 1960s and are still used in operations today. Since then, more than 60 years of continuous research and development combined with hundreds of commercial operations have produced a series of processing technologies and integrated systems that outperform other technologies currently available.
Klean’s Unique Selling Proposition
Klean’s systems are an environmentally friendly and commercially viable alternative to traditional methods of processing waste. The most obvious of our advantages are:
We support our client’s through our quoting and project development by providing a wealth of information and specifications about Klean Industries systems and technologies.
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