Benchmarking Utility Clean Energy Deployment: 2016

This report provides a window into how the global transition toward clean energy is playing out in the U.S. electric power sector. Specifically, the report’s rankings reveal the extent to which 30 of the largest U.S. investor-owned electric utility holding companies are increasingly deploying clean energy resources to meet customer needs.
The report compiles data for three clean-energy indicators:
- Renewable energy sales: The total amount of renewable electricity sold to retail customers.
- Incremental energy efficiency savings: All reporting-year energy savings from i) new participants in existing programs, and ii) all participants in new programs.
- Lifecycle energy efficiency savings: Estimated savings from all energy efficiency programs put in place during the reporting year, including reporting year savings and all future anticipated savings.
Among the 30 holding companies, Sempra Energy, PG&E, Edison International, and Xcel were found to rank the highest for renewable energy sales, with renewable resources accounting for nearly 20 to 36 percent of their retail electricity sales in 2014. Energy efficiency top performers among holding companies included Eversource Energy, PG&E, and Portland General Electric, and five companies’ cumulative annual energy efficiency savings was equivalent to 1.5 percent or more of 2014 sales.
This Utility Benchmarking Report provides critical data and insights for consumers, utilities companies, clean tech firms, financial institutions, policymakers, industry analysts, environmental advocates, and other clean-energy stakeholders.
To learn more about this project contact:
Bryce Yonker
Clean Edge, Sr. Director of Business Development & Strategic Partnerships
Ceres and Clean Edge cannot guarantee the accuracy of data provided by third-party sources. Information contained in this report is not intended to be investment advice, or to be used as a guide to investing, or as an endorsement of any particular company.
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