Brunei - Environmental Technology Opportunities

Environmental issues remain one of the country’s most important criteria in evaluating the all industrial developments. To this end, the Brunei government has drafted guidelines that any development is sited in a designated area and pollution control measures are included in its design.
The Brunei government’s key objective is conservation of a clean and healthy environment, with various policies and strategies formulated to create greater awareness of environmental issues. The Brunei government is also continuously encouraging the development of innovative / alternative environmental technologies and solutions for waste and water management. Brunei is among the highest waste generating countries in the region on a per capita basis. The rate of waste is climbing over two percent every year.
The Brunei government is looking for cost-saving measures and looks towards developed countries like Canada for our wealth of expertise in developing an environmental management system as Canada is known for preserving its natural beauty and clean environment.
There are trade opportunities for Canadian companies with capability and expertise in areas such as remediation, climate change solutions, water treatment, waste management and recycling. In addition, there are opportunities in the development of areas such as recreational or educational parks.
With Brunei’s limited manpower resources and technical capabilities, the Brunei government will have to address much of its outstanding environmental-related issues from overseas; thereby providing new opportunities for Canadian exporters of goods and services. Awareness among government and the private sectors on the environment is increasing and becoming ore apparent.
Opportunities for Canadian Companies:
- Solid waste management.
- Water treatment facility/solutions.
- Environmental consulting and contracting services.
- Oil pools cleaning and treatment
- Incinerators / waste management for chemicals, landfills, medical waste, oil-based mud, industrial waste, hazardous waste, composting etc.
- Waste cleaning and transportation equipment
- Recycling center / programme
- Industrial waste disposal station - Sungai Liang Industrial Park
- Thermal Absorption technology
Canadian Companies interested in gathering more information and/or have any inquiries, may contact Peter Chen or Ms. Nurul Salwani at the High Commission of Canada in, Bandar Seri Begawan the Capital of Brunei Darussalam.