Clean Energy Act Introduced in US Senate

The Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act seeks to cut carbon pollution and stimulate the economy by creating millions of jobs in the clean energy sector.
“This is a security bill that puts Americans back in charge of our energy future and makes it clear that we will combat global climate change with American ingenuity. It is our country’s defense against the harms of pollution and the security risks of global climate change,” said Kerry.
“Our health, our security, our economy, our environment, all demand we reinvent the way America uses energy. Our addiction to foreign oil hurts our economy, helps our enemies and risks our security. By taking decisive action, we can and will stop climate change from becoming a ’threat multiplier’ that makes an already dangerous world staggeringly more so.” he added.
Senator Boxer said, “We know clean energy is the ticket to strong, stable economic growth – it’s right here in front of us, in the ingenuity of our workers and the vision of our entrepreneurs. We must seize this opportunity, or others will move ahead.
Below are links to several documents which outline the Kerry-Boxer legislation.
- Full Text of the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act
- Kerry Boxer Bill Overview
- Kerry Boxer Bill Summary
- Kerry Boxer Pollution Reduction & Investment
- Kerry Boxer Section By Section Summary
For More Information: U.S. Senate
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