Creating Climate Wealth - Carbon War Room Conference

events and many statements by corporations large and small on the
importance of protecting the earth’s environment. One of the most
insightful events was the ‘Creating Climate Wealth’
Conference hosted by the Carbon War Room, an entity created by
British entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson.
The event, which took place in Washington, D.C., brought
together respected entrepreneurs, and leaders from Government,
non-profits and the private sector to provide insights and
expertise on how to clear barriers to emission reductions and how
to promote the creation of ‘green’ jobs.
The href=””
target=”_blank”>Briefing Package prepared for this event is one
of the most cogent summaries of the key economic and environmental
issues facing business and government today related to the need for
emission reductions. It provides supporting details for a series of
facilitated workshops that took place during the event on such
topics as: Distributed Generation, Grid Management, Energy
Efficiency In The Built Environment, Next-Gen Biofuels &
Aviation, Shipping & Freight, and Electric Vehicles.
Systems do not change themselves - the same stale,
business-as-usual thinking that has driven us to our current state
of emergency will continue to endanger our safety, our livelihoods,
and our planet. We need new thinking, new leadership, and
innovation to create a post-carbon economy. Our goal is not to undo
industry, but to remake it into a force for sustainable wealth
The Briefing Package also provides insightful background on the
Carbon War Room and the War Room’s approach in determining how and
where to target operations.
It details the emphasis placed on market-driven solutions to
climate change that can be applied to generate Gigaton-level carbon
savings, develop and demonstrate those solutions, and then catalyze
their rapid adoption worldwide.
The Carbon War Room’s main targets include market failures,
typically in the form of poor information and/or high transaction
costs, which are preventing the marketplace from encouraging
sustainable low-carbon wealth creation. It works to increase the
capital flows needed for the marketplace to function, typically
working alongside existing efforts to bring about the right policy
environment and develop the appropriate technology.
The Carbon War Room initiative focuses on the hard reality that
our global industrial and energy systems are built on carbon-based
technologies and unsustainable resource demands that threaten to
destroy our society and our planet. Massive loss of wealth,
expanding poverty and suffering, disastrous climate change, water
scarcity, and deforestation are the end results of this broken
“Protecting natural resources and reducing
carbon emissions are the greatest entrepreneurial opportunity in
history”; “We can’t rely on ‘the end is nigh’ language…it’s not
nigh if we all work together to scale up low-carbon solutions” Sir
Richard Branson
As stated on the War Room’s href=”” target=”_blank”>web site
“This business-as-usual system represents the greatest threat to
the security and prosperity of humanity - a threat that transcends
race, ethnicity, national borders, and ideology.”
The Creating Climate Wealth Breifing Package is well worth the
read for those who are seeking a clear and facts-based assessment
of key environmental and economic issues that are shaping our
target=”_blank”>It is available here: