Electric Vehicles Can Help Toronto Reduce Its Carbon Footprint

vehicles could contribute up to 37% of Toronto’s annual target for
GHG emissions reductions by 2030, according to a new report
released by Pollution Probe. Higher reductions were associated with
a greater proportion of commercial-duty electric vehicles within
the vehicle mix.
The report, “href=”http://www.pollutionprobe.org/PDFs/EMMP.pdf”
target=”_blank”>Unlocking the Electric Mobility Potential of
Toronto: Moving Toward an Electric Mobility Master Plan for the
City”, is the result of in-depth research, analysis and
consultation with stakeholders, which culminated in a set of
recommendations for advancing the deployment of electric vehicle
technology in Canada’s largest urban region.
Part of the analysis involved conducting comprehensive
simulations of the response of Toronto’s electricity grid to the
charging profiles associated with various scenarios of electric
vehicle use in the city.
“We recognized at the outset of this project that the barriers
to the effective integration of electric vehicles would be
regionally specific, defined by the policies, the infrastructure
and the mobility patterns of a given community. So we set out to
identify the critical elements of a successful electric mobility
master plan for the City of Toronto. -Bob Oliver, Executive
Director of Pollution Probe
The report found that while there would be significant emissions
reductions associated with electric vehicle use, the capacity of
the grid to accommodate the additional demand for power was limited
in some regions of the city, said Kimberly Scratch, Transportation
Project Manager.
“This means that the early deployment of electric vehicles must
be managed carefully to avoid interruptions in service, and that
over time, upgrades to the local grid and the use of Smart Grid
technology will be an important part of an electric mobility master
plan,” she added.
Planning for electric vehicles is complex work, Pollution Probe
says, as it cuts across the scope of many organizations. A
collaborative approach among local stakeholders is essential to
successful planning. The recommendations in this report identify
some of the critical players, including the Government of Ontario
and the private sector.
target=”_blank”>The Report is available for download
Source: evworld.com