Four-Time Chapter 11 Champ Donald Trump: 'Monstrous' Wind Turbines Will Make Scotland 'Go Broke'

Trump has encountered controversy on his golf resort from the start, since he bulldozed over environmentally sensitive sand dunes.
With his resort due to open in July, Trump has only heightened the attacks. In February, while digging up 1,235 acres for his resort, he said wind farms are “destroying” Scotland. In March, he called windmills “disgusting.”
Now, Trump says they will destroy Scotland’s economy:
“Scotland, if you pursue this policy of these monstrous turbines, Scotland will go broke,” Trump told the group. “They are ugly, they are noisy and they are dangerous. If Scotland does this, Scotland will be in serious trouble and will lose tourism to places like Ireland, and they are laughing at us.” […]
“When challenged to produce hard evidence about his claims on the negative impact of turbines, Trump said: “I am the evidence, I am a world class expert in tourism.”
Trump knows a lot about going broke. As ABC reported last year, “Donald Trump — or companies that bear his name – have declared bankruptcy four times.”
Trump also said the project “is the most serious problem that Scotland will have or has had.”
That is unlikely, however much the 11 turbines seem like the end of the world to Trump.
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