Yahoo is currently holding a contest to find a green logo, while just last week a green living social network was acquired. In short: green is the new black. We’ve rounded up 80+ tools, social sites and resources to help you help the planet.
Carbon Footprint Calculators, Other Calculators & Carbon Offsets

Environmental Defense PaperCalculator - Calculate the environmental impact of the paper products you use.
The Carbon Diet - Track your carbon footprint every day and compare your footprint with those of your friends.
NativeEnergy - Carbon offsets and a travel carbon calculator.
The Nature Conservancy Carbon Calculator - Another carbon footprint calculator.
BeGreen - A carbon calculator and information resource that also offers carbon offsets.
zerofootprint - Helping individuals, organizations, and cities reduce their environmental impact (their goal is to get 1,000,000 people pledging to reduce their environmental footprint by 10% in one year).
Yahoo! Green Carbon Footprint Calculator - Another carbon footprint calculator.
Ecological Footprint Quiz - Find out how much “nature” your lifestyle requires.
terrapass - A carbon offset company that has an emissions calculator.
Search Engines, Directories & Guides

sprig - A super-hip and fashionable resource for your green lifestyle, including food, fashion, beauty and home.
The Nature Conservancy Nature Preserve Map - A Google Maps mashup featuring nature preserves across the U.S.
EcoSeek - A search engine for green stuff.
Greener - An environmental search engine. - A resource of green companies and brands for environmentally conscious shoppers.
Green Maven - A search engine and green directory powered by Google search.
Evolvist - A directory of eco-friendly & socially responsible business that will be released soon. They also have a blog and a Facebook app.
Holistic Local - A resource to find local conscious businesses, local events and courses, and articles & e-books, as well as a marketplace to buy and sell conscious products.
Sustainable Travel International - A sustainable travel guide that also offers carbon offsets for your travel.
Green Building Blocks - A green building product & service directory that also features information on green building techniques and ways to promote your green business.
Lime - Lime is a complete green living guide with online TV, radio, mobile, podcasts, shopping and more.
GoodSearch - A search engine that donates 50% of it’s proceeds to the charity of your choice (over 40,000 are currently participating).
Green Building Studio - Online tools for green builders, engineers, building products manufacturers and architects.
Yahoo! Green - Yahoo!’s green information site that includes a pledge to help reduce your environmental impact.

ElectroCity - An online game that teaches about energy, sustainability and environmental management through the building virtual towns and cities.
KyotoPotato - An idle trading game for making energy efficiency more fun (all you have to do is remember to turn off your computer when you’re not using it).
MyAbodo - An interactive toy that lets you build a house online and see the impact that your choices make on the world around you.
Web Earth Online - Multi player online ecology game.
Communities & User Generated

Open Architecture Network - A collaborative community for sustainable architecture.
AlternativeE - A website for sharing news related to renewable and alternative energy that allows users to vote for stories (like Digg for alternative energy).
GreenOptions - An online blog, wiki, forum and news site for everything green.
The Nature Conservancy Groupspace - The Nature Conservancy’s online community.
Appropedia - The sustainability wiki.
NetSquared - An online community that’s helping non-profits and non-governmental organizations take advantage of the Internet to increase their reach.
GoodTree - An online community that’s all about idealism and effecting positive change.
Hooze - A community-built site for publishing useful information about the sustainability of products & companies.
sustainlane - User reviews of natural, organic and green products & companies.
Gusse - A worldwide community for collaborating on the best ideas for sustainable cities.
EarthLab Foundation - A climate crisis community for people who are interested in being more environmentally friendly. They also have a calculator to determine your “Earth Conservation Profile”.
GreenVoice - Offset your computer’s carbon emissions for free, join a campaign to voice your opinions and show your support, and join groups to communicate and collaborate with others who share your passions.
gigoit - A swapping network for finding what you need or giving away what you don’t.
Make Me Sustainable - A manager for reducing your carbon footprint incorporated into a social community of other like-minded individuals.
ecolocal - A source for green living and local news that allows users to submit tips, events and links.
PlayGreen - A green living wiki.
Youth Noise - A platform for young people to get involved and make a difference in the environment and other causes.
loanables - Brings together people who need to borrow things with people who have stuff to loan, and if your neighborhood is on their “Green Neighborhoods” page, the service is free.
Actics - An ethical community that helps you to live your values.
Change - A social network for activism, including environmental activism.
Hunuh - Community collaboration space where members can submit & discuss green technologies, services and processes.
Networking & Dating

idealist - Find people, ideas and resources worldwide and get involved.
Earth Wise Singles - A dating site for singles who are passionate about green living and sustainable lifestyles.
VeggieDate - An online vegetarian dating service.
dharmaMatch - A dating service that matches based on your beliefs, values and spirituality.
Green Drinks - Networking opportunities internationally for people who work in the environmental field.
GishiGo - A ride sharing network that connects riders and drivers.
pooln - A carpooling community with a social-networking approach.
GoLoco - Quickly arrange ride shares between friends, neighbors, and colleagues (it also helps you share trip costs online).
Environmental Projects

Tree-Nation - An online community that’s aiming to plant 8 million trees in the shape of a heart in Africa. They also have a news section and other resources.
Step It Up - A movement being organized online that will be a call for action to political leaders to address key priorities to stop global warming.
18Seconds - See how many compact fluorescent lightbulbs have been installed in your area, and the equivalent amount of money saved, cars off the road, pounds of coal saved, and pounds of CO2 prevented.
Google Earth Outreach - A Google Earth application that allows charities and non-profits to map what they’re doing on Google Earth for the world to see.
Charitable Donations

InviteForGood - Manage invitations for all kinds of events, and add an optional charitable gift registry to those invitations.
alonovo - Shop online and your purchases will benefit the cause of your choice.
Kiva - Allows you to lend to a specific entrepreneur in a developing country to help them with their business and lift them out of poverty.
Contribution Manager - Keep track of all your donations online (and if you’re in the UK, you can fill out all the necessary forms to make the claim).
GiveMeaning - An online fundraising site that emphasizing creative fundraising and unique charity donation.
Giveness - Online shopping widget that you can put on your site that will generate awareness and donations for the causes you support.

World Changing - A group blog with tons of great articles on every topic (there’s also a World Changing book available in print).
Treehugger - Easily the most popular environmental blog out there.
earth2tech - A technology-focused green blog from GigaOM.
Gombe Chimpanzee Blog - A blog from the Jane Goodall Institute that also includes a Google Earth mashup with information about the Institute.
Other Resources

GreenPrint - A patent-pending app that figures out what to print and removes unwanted pages, saving trees (and money).
green tv - An all-green TV station online.
LA Green Living - Connecting the different segments of green living in Los Angeles into one larger community.
Hotel Chatter Green Hotels Map - A Google maps mashup that shows the best green hotels in the U.S. on a map.
LocalCooling - A software program that puts a more efficient power save mode on your PC.
Hunger Site - A leader in online activism committed to eradicating world hunger.
BBB Wise Giving Alliance - Reports and evaluations on charitable organizations.
Wild Sanctuary - An interactive nature sounds map that works with either Google Maps or FreeEarth.
Greenpeace Esperanze Interactive Route Map - A Google Maps mashup that plots the course of the Greenpeace ship Esperanza with interactive features detailing different parts of the trip.
Scorecard - Get pollution reports by county.
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