Marathon Oil publishes 2008 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Marathon’s president and CEO Clarence Cazalot writes in his message, “To address the broader environmental and social issues that confront us, Marathon applies our values, initiative, collaborative nature and fact-based, businesslike approach to develop mutually beneficial solutions.”
The report expands on the Company’s five core values - health and safety, environmental stewardship, honesty and integrity, corporate citizenship, and a high performance team culture. Each section reviews the Company’s programs and efforts to deliver sustainable solutions and to make a positive impact on communities. External and internal stakeholder comments regarding Marathon’s values, commitments and challenges are placed throughout the report.
Marathon Oil Corporation, an integrated international energy company based in Houston, Texas, is engaged in oil and gas exploration and production; oil sands mining; integrated gas; and refining, marketing and transportation. It has principal operations in the United States, Angola, Canada, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Indonesia, Libya, Norway and the United Kingdom. Marathon is the fourth largest U.S.-based integrated oil company and the fifth-largest refiner in the U.S.
Marathon has a high regard for stakeholder dialogue and is interested in feedback on the report. Please send comments via email to
The report is available for view or download on Marathon’s website
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