New Report: Cleantech on the Rise

and economic opportunities only come along generationally - a
handful of times in a century. Like the harnessing of electricity,
the development of railways, or the invention of the telephone,
clean tech is a generational opportunity.
This Grant Thornton white paper,Cleantech on the rise:
Generational opportunities for 21st-century business, focuses on
four of the most critical areas in which these companies must
- Managing unknowns: The gap between
governmental policy statements and practical, commercial
applications of those policies is vast and fraught with
uncertainty. Success in cleantech requires developing solutions
that take into consideration government policy but that don’t rely
heavily on public sources of funding or other forms of governmental
support. - Leadership: Companies will need to assemble
astute executive teams, managers, boards and advisers, who are
proficient in their specialty areas, flexible enough to capitalize
on shifting opportunities and committed for the long term. - Global operations: Decisions regarding
investment capital, facilities location, talent recruitment,
R&D operations and customer access frequently require
international strategy and perspective. Yet operating globally
means working with teams or people who have deep, thorough
knowledge of local markets. - Sustained focus: Cleantech leaders must keep
their eyes on the prize: Developing and commercializing core
Without clean-energy sources, the world can barely sustain
current demand for energy, let alone meet growing requirements.
Every major global economy is developing governmental policies to
ensure that clean energy comprises a significant portion of its
energy portfolio by 2030.
Germany is a leading example of a nation pursuing clean-energy
innovation, production, and deployment. Robust subsidies have
fueled major commercial activity and enterprise. But governmental
policy rarely delivers all that it promises.
- Ensure that you have a distinctive, value-added offering.
- Engage market researchers and other advisers to test global
proof-of-concept. - Enlist talent (board members, senior management, external
consultants, etc.) to enable the commercialization of the
offering. - Hire global talent to finance and operationalize your product
or service. - Secure global expertise - internally or externally - to stay
abreast of international cleantech policy. - Join international, regional and national associations that
specialize in cleantech. - Attend international, regional and national conferences on
target=”_blank”>Cleantech on the rise: Generational
opportunities for 21st-century businesses brings
together the experience of Grant Thornton International Ltd member
firms around the world into a compelling white paper rich with
industry research; analysis of international government policy; a
discussion of global investment trends; and on-the-ground
viewpoints from professionals in theUK, China, India, Israel, and
theUnited States.
“For cleantech companies to capitalize
on emerging, generational opportunities, they must be managed by
teams that are sophisticated about marketing and able to articulate
the nature of their business, given the shifting sands of today’s
economic climate. They must be globally attuned and technologically
The white paper explores three major themes:
* Government commitments to clean tech
for meeting long-term needs
* The gap between governmental policy
statements and practical commercial applications
* Success is in the hands of corporate
leaders who can develop and commercialize solutions with keen
awareness of government policy but without undue reliance on public
sources of funding or other forms of governmental support.
To position themselves for success, cleantech businesses should
consider how to:
- clearly articulate their position in the value chain and
structure their operations accordingly; - locate manufacturing facilities in countries with lower
production costs and within close proximity to end users; - prioritize markets with high levels of governmental support
(such as business development incentives or end-user
subsidies); - establish firm, international protections for IP;
- secure external counsel for critical global business
development; and - develop and manage R&D activities from a global
For investors, inventors, and business leaders and visionaries
who see clean tech as a generational opportunity, this white paper
is a must-read.
target=”_blank”>Read the full report