Results of Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes Review 2010 Announced

Indexes announce results of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes
Review 2010.
SAM, the investment boutique focused exclusively on Sustainability
Investing, together with Dow Jones Indexes, a leading global index
provider, announces today the results of the 2010 annual review for
the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes.
Following SAM’s largest global analysis of corporate sustainability
leadership, 48 companies will join the Dow Jones Sustainability
World Index (DJSI World), while 46 firms will be deleted -
resulting in a total of 318 index components.
The largest additions (by free-float market capitalization) to
the DJSI World include Standard Chartered, Morgan Stanley and
ArcelorMittal while the biggest deletions (by free-float market
capitalization) from this index are Toyota Motor, Royal Dutch Shell
and UniCredit.
The review also results in 27 additions to and 19 deletions from
the European Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index, 19 additions to
and 22 deletions from the Dow Jones Sustainability North America
Index, as well as 36 additions to and 25 deletions from the Dow
Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index.
All changes will become effective with the opening of equity
markets on September 20, 2010.
The DJSI follow a best-in-class approach and include sustainability
leaders from each industry on a global and regional level
respectively. The annual review of the DJSI family is based on a
thorough analysis of corporate economic, environmental and social
performance, assessing issues such as corporate governance, risk
management, branding, climate change mitigation,supply chain
standards and labor practices.
It accounts for general as well as industry specific
sustainability criteria for each of the 57 sectors defined
according to the Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB).
In addition, SAM also identified the top company for each of the 19
Supersectors that the 57 sectors roll up to.
The new 2010/2011 Supersector leaders are Air France-KLM (Travel
& Leisure), AkzoNobel (Chemicals), ANZ Banking Group (Banks),
BMW (Automobiles & Parts), EDP Energias de Portugal
(Utilities), GPT Group (Real Estate), Investimentos Itaú (Financial
Services), Lotte Shopping (Retail), Nokia (Technology), Pearson
(Media), Philips Electronics (Personal & Household Goods),
Roche (Health Care), Sasol (Oil & Gas), Siam Cement
(Construction & Materials), Swiss Re (Insurance), Telefónica
(Telecommunications), TNT (Industrial Goods & Services),
Unilever (Food & Beverage) and Xstrata (Basic Resources).
For more information on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes and
the changes resulting from this year’s review please visit href=””