Safe nuclear: Japanese utility elaborates on thorium plans

Research Institute for Applied Sciences in Kyoto showed delegates a May 31 video clip from Japanese TV. Serving as the translator, Kamei said the video stated that Chubu was starting a research program at its conventional Hamaoka nuclear station to look into deploying thorium in liquid form, in a type of reactor known as a molten salt reactor.
Kamei is not a Chubu employee, so, as I indicated yesterday, I had sent Chubu an email last Friday seeking confirmation and elaboration.
A statement from Chubu’s investor relations department says they regard thorium as “one of future possible energy resources.”
“Thank you for contacting us concerning thorium molten salt reactors.
We announced our plan of stepped-up efforts for nuclear R&D on May 31st.
Our plan consists of two parts;
;We will establish “Nuclear Safety R&D Center” at Hamaoka nuclear power station
on July 1st to promote R&D using Nuclear Power plants as R&D fields.
;Regarding R&D subjects which need broad cooperation between external
institutions, we will promote and implement joint research and publicly offered
research with institutes and universities. Subjects of research will include
future nuclear energy like thorium rectors. This program will start in 2013. Our
main activity will be to support institutions and universities financially.
We consider thorium as one of future possible energy resources, but there are
many challenges to be solved toward actual utilization. Therefore we considered
basic studies to be very important from a long-term view point and decided to
support institutions’ basic study on thorium utilization. Regards, Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. June 7 2012”
Some thorium experts regard liquid thorium in a molten salt reactor (MSR) as the optimal way to deploy the fuel, although some people advocate using it in solid form in a more conventional, water-cooled reactor.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a thorium molten salt reactor in the 1960s, when the U.S. was deciding between uranium and thorium as a nuclear fuel.
Under President Richard Nixon, the U.S. abandoned the Oak Ridge project and charted a uranium future, in part because uranium, yielded weapons-linked waste desirable in the Cold War arms build up. Thorium is not as proliferation prone
Flibe Energy in Huntsville, Ala., is developing a thorium MSR based on the Oak Ridge design, and including a failsafe plug that allows the liquid fuel to drain into a tank in an emergency, averting the possibility of a reactor meltdown such as what happened at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant last year.
In Japan, Kamei himself is working on different thorium reactor designs, including an MSR as well as one that uses a particle accelerator to trigger a nuclear reaction.
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