Solar is Key to Combatting Climate Change - Report

at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP16) in Cancun,
today released its 2010 edition of “href=”ttp://”
target=”_blank”>Seizing the Solar Solution: Combating Climate
Change through accelerated deployment.”
This solar coalition, comprised of more than 40 leading
international solar and renewable energy organizations, is
demonstrating the immediate potential of the accelerated deployment
of solar energy in reducing harmful pollution, combating climate
change and creating jobs and economic impact.
The group is urging political and business leaders to take
action now to accelerate solar deployment.
The report shows that combined world targets for solar electric
capacity will reach 700 gigawatts and solar thermal capacity will
reach 280 gigawatts (GWth, thermal equivalent) by 2020. This level
would reduce carbon pollution by 570 megatons, equivalent to
shutting down more than 100 coal plants.
“Today, the sun offers us a unique way of generating electricity
on a global scale, making it possible to contribute to the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with the added benefit of
being socially responsible, generating jobs and supporting
sustainable development locally,” said Adel El Gammal, Secretary
General of the European Photovoltaic Industry Association
“Government representatives in Cancun should advocate for a
clear shift away from conventional fuels to solar energy. This will
allow developing nations to leapfrog past conventional energy
dependency to a clean and unlimited source that can also easily
reach under‐served populations in rural areas.”
“Deploying solar energy presents a concrete measure for our
nations’ leaders to reduce harmful pollution now,” said Rhone
Resch, president and CEO of the US‐based Solar Energy Industries
Association (SEIA). “With the right policies, our government
leaders can accelerate the adoption of solar reducing CO2 emissions
equivalent to taking 110 million cars off the road.”
The report also identifies key policies the global solar
industry supports in combating climate change. They include:
- Establishing a price on carbon to ensure a level playing and
field and factor externalities into the costs of fossil
fuels; - Setting internationally agreed mid-term and long-term emission
reduction targets for all developed countries; - Ending the massive subsidies given to fossil fuel
industries; - Ensuring that renewable energy targets set by developing
countries qualify as Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions
(NAMAs); and - Developing an international financing framework to encourage
technology transfer and investment in solar projects
The full report is available at href=””
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