Walking on Water - Ontario draws more praise for innovative policies

Ontario, already the recipient of praise from a diverse range of
business interests for its innovative policies on clean energy, has
received addtional praise for a new innitiative for water
The Ontario Water Conservation Alliance, a diverse coalition of
industry, labour, environmental organizations and municipalities,
has welcomed the planned introduction of the Water Opportunities
and Water Conservation Act. The Alliance states the act will
contain many of the ingredients necessary to allow Ontario
businesses to capitalize on the growing global market for
water-efficient solutions and technologies. The Alliance has been
leading a public campaign to ensure conservation is a key plank in
the bill.
“The legislation will position the province as a North American
leader in water conservation and efficiency solutions that will
stimulate innovation and create new jobs,” said Theresa McClenaghan
of the Canadian Environmental Law Association, speaking on behalf
of the Alliance.
“The Alliance is encouraged to see many of its
recommendations reflected in the Bill, and if it is passed, these
initiatives will signal a new way of thinking about water in
There are enormous economic benefits from a strong government
commitment to water conservation and efficiency. The revenues of
the world’s water-related businesses are expected to nearly double
by 2020, to $1 trillion, and global
water shortages will drive the need for innovations that emphasize
efficiency, reuse and source diversification.
Ontario is set to take advantage of this economic opportunity by
spurring market demand for everything from the manufacture of new
water recycling technologies, to innovative leak detection and pipe
replacement, to services such as green landscaping, plumbing and
urban planning. This market growth will stimulate new green-collar
jobs, building on the existing 20,000 jobs in Ontario’s water
“This act will foster a culture of water conservation in
Ontario, creating new opportunities for green technology developed
by Ontario entrepreneurs,” said Jerrad Hennessy, General Manager of
Niagara Flapperless, the developers of leak-free water-efficient
toilets and the world’s first single-flush 3 litre toilet.
“Programs aimed at the adoption of new green technology are good
news for businesses, good news for consumers and good news for all
Ontarians concerned about the responsible and efficient use of
New legislation will create jobs, save money
and benefit the environment
By using water more efficiently, Ontarians will also save money
by deferring the need to build new and expensive water
infrastructure and by reducing energy consumption. In fact, a
reduction in Ontario’s water demand by 20 per cent in 20 years (the
same target that has been set by California) would save an
estimated $1 billion dollars in
avoided infrastructure costs and $30
million per year in energy savings.
“The Region of York is pleased to see a strong commitment on
water conservation from the provincial government,” said class=”xn-person”>Tracey Carrigan, Manager in the
Environmental Services Department of York Region. “Embedding a
culture of water conservation is a major priority for the Region
and our residents, and we look forward to working with the Province
in our drive to become North America’s most water-efficient
“It is far cheaper to fix inefficiencies than to build new
infrastructure, and the savings go beyond our pocketbook,” said
Carol Maas, Innovation and
Technology Director, POLIS Water Sustainability Project and author
of Canada’s first comprehensive assessment of the relationship
between water and energy. “Water conservation will reduce the
energy used to pump, treat and heat water and this will lower
greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment.”
The Ontario
Water Conservation Alliance is a coalition of citizens,
non-governmental organizations and businesses who believe an
environmentally sustainable and economically secure province
requires a comprehensive water conservation and efficiency
strategy. The Alliance has been advocating for a Water Conservation
and Opportunities Act for Ontario. For more information please
visit: target=”_blank”>http://www.conserveourwater.ca/.
Source: www.newswire.ca