Companies Join Forces for Improved Plastic Packaging Sustainability
![]() In joining forces, Dow and Klean intend to combine the two companies’ knowledge, technologies, and resources targeted at bringing forth solutions for end-of-life mixed plastics, and have extended a three-year letter of intent in their collaborative efforts. Klean Industries claims that opportunities to minimize dependence on fossil fuels and recover valuable resources are provided through recovering waste plastics for their energy value. Klean offers advanced thermal conversion technology capable of capturing the innate value in packaging plastics that are rich in oil; this technology has been developed and used for commercial purposes in Japan. Recently, a team from Dow Chemical Company along with Klean representatives visited the plastics-to-oil recycling plant in Japan. Klean owns the technology IP at the recycling plant. Incredibly, the Japanese recycling facility processes PVC, PET, and other mixed plastics at up to 20% of the in-feed supply besides polystyrene, polypropylene, and polyethylene, and simultaneously produces more than 4MWe (power in Mega Watts) of green electricity. Around the world today, millions of tons of plastic end up in landfills; Klean is convinced that facilities such as the one in Japan would be successful all around the world, making it possible to recover oil from mixed plastic waste. Even though we are a trusted supplier of industrial printing equipment for manufacturers around the globe, we never cease to be amazed at the possibilities for creating a cleaner, safer world for future generations through innovative technology. |
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