Klean Industries Engaged to Redesign Chinese Made Rotary Kilns for Tire & Plastic Recycling
![]() With the growth in the renewables sector, more and more engineering companies are entering the pyrolysis and gasification marketplace, trying to capitalize on building and installing plants. It is extremely risky to commission a back-yard engineering firm that may be experts in modifying farm machinery, to build a petrochemical processing plant, similar in technology to an oil refinery. That is effectively what is happening, with numerous cowboy engineering firms swindling investors into believing that they have pyrolysis technology that is credible and works. Klean Industries use technology that has been operating for over 30 years and only work with international blue-chip EPCM engineering firms and has a highly respected client list including BP, Dow Chemical, and Mitsubishi Materials. “The problem with the recent rise in interest in pyrolysis technology across the western world is that many people do not appreciate how very complicated this technology is never mind the business itself. It has taken engineers decades to develop these great facilities which use similar technology to small oil refinery plants and must be respected and honored. We believe that many companies who know very little about this field are not being honest and convincing investors, as they appear to be the utmost professionals, with strong appearance and good credentials. We have seen many amateur technologies some of which look similar to an old-fashioned steam train coal-burner. These technologies are a waste of money and in our long-standing experience in the pyrolysis sector should be avoided.” Shingo Tanaka, MPEOC, Tokyo, Japan Klean Industries find that cheaper technologies are normally available from the Indian or Chinese markets and market the technologies in a very professional manner which seems to convince many customers, who later realize the extent of their misjudgment. They are effectively selling ‘copies of copies’, using old and inefficient back-yard engineering concepts which are incapable of producing high-value end products, marketed through shiny brochures and websites. Klean has also found that cheap technologies consistently fail within the 3 to 6 months timeframe and can prove to be potentially hazardous when operational. In Klean’s experience, the cheaper technology companies do not honor agreed warranty terms, leaving the investors high and dry as soon as the plant is installed. When the customers experience regular equipment failures, shutdown periods, and unsellable end product production, they normally call Klean Industries to advise them on how to rectify the problem having been abandoned by their original supplier. It’s unfortunate that these Chinese companies continue to dupe and swindle customers into believing that they have proven rotary kilns that produce high-quality end products which is simply not the case, hence, Klean Industries are being hired on a regular basis to fix or replace the substandard technology. Mr. Jesse Klinkhamer, CEO of Klean Industries Inc., explained that similar to oil refineries, pyrolysis plants, must produce high specification end products in order for them to be economically feasible. If you go to the effort of sourcing and paying for a reliable stock of crude oil, why would you hire a backyard tar-smelter to process your oil into a worthless hodgepodge-like end product? Similarly, in tire or plastic pyrolysis, you will not make any money from an end product that is nothing more than worthless burnt char. The key to maximizing ROI in both industries is to ensure that only the highest grade end products are produced which have a saleable value, and this is only achieved by investing in technology that has been developed over several decades. By using amateur technology you will effectively produce a waste product of zero commercial value if the technology even operates safely in any commercial kind of environment. Several clients who have commissioned Klean Industries to re-engineer their sub-standard plants claim that they were convinced by the flashy brochures, websites, and professionalism of the sales representatives. They subsequently purchased cheap technology which claimed to be capable of processing 25-30 tonnes per day, when in reality on the rare occasion the plants operated, they were at best capable of processing 10 tonnes per day, in addition to producing a completely useless low-grade product of no commercial value, rendering the operation a financial disaster. Off course, the cheap technology providers refuse to recompense any loss in revenue, in terms of guaranteed processing volume. Please take this as a WARNING to all new potential customers and partners who may be considering entering the commercial pyrolysis and gasification market. Not all technologies are created equal, and the quality of materials used, and the quality of the end products produced, will NOT stand the test of time nor will the end products be able to justify the economics for a solid return on investment as carbon char is a completely useless end product with zero commercial value. Mr. Klinkhamer went on to say that Klean Industries are called on a daily basis by groups who have purchased such technology who believed “cheap is better” only to realize after millions of dollars have been invested that they cannot find buyers or any solutions for such poor quality, low grade, waste material. If you want technology that truly stacks up, please feel free to contact us and we will show you how to do this business right.
Mr. Klinkhamer said, ” we offer ‘real world’ technologies and solutions that balance your ecology objectives and your budgetary requirements. In addition to completing feasibility studies on our existing customers’ projects, we also offer feedstock testing services within our internationally recognized testing facilities. If you’re interested in working with the Klean Team, please contact the company and follow our inquiry process and it will be our pleasure to help you develop your project. The International Team at Klean is being requested to fix and re-engineer an increasing number of projects who purchased cheap technology and have since failed. The irony of the situation is that the cheaper technology companies are actually creating more business for the Klean Team, and until investors start to consider the financial implications of initially investing in cheap unproven technology, we can see a very busy workload in the years ahead.” CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Klean Industries Inc. Suite 2500 - 700 W. Georgia St, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V7Y1B3 (T) +1.604.637.9609 (T) +1.866.302.5928 (F) +1.604.637.9609 (E) sales(@)kleanindustries.com Contact: Marc Smith Mailing / Postal Address PO Box 3038 - 349 W. Georgia St, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B3X5 |
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