The Circuit - News and Notes: Efficiency Rules
![]() Energy efficiency has remained America’s cheapest, cleanest, and fastest energy source for five years running. At least that’s the conclusion of a new study from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. The study—“Saving Energy Cost-Effectively: A National Review of the Cost of Energy Saved Through Utility-Sector Energy Efficiency Programs”— shows that the utility cost per kWh of energy efficiency has held steady or even slightly declined at about 2.5 cents over the last half decade, even as the costs for new coal, nuclear, and other supply-side energy alternatives have risen. In 2008, pulverized coal cost between $0.07 and $0.14 per kWh; combined-cycle natural gas cost between $0.07 and $0.10 per kWh; and wind electricity cost between $0.04 and $0.09 per kWh. To view this article, » GO. |
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