Climate Friendly Farming
Duncan Stewart explores what it would mean for Ireland’s agricultural system to play its fair share in climate change targets.
Agriculture in Ireland has come under sharp criticism in recent years, not just for being Ireland’s largest contributor to climate change but also because it has by far the biggest impact on biodiversity loss and is the sector that is most responsible for the demise of water quality in Ireland. But is sustainable farming possible in Ireland? If so, what does it look like?
In a search for solutions, Duncan Stewart visits Dowth research farm in Co Meath where the team aims to restore soil fertility and achieve carbon neutrality on a suckler beef farm. With a farmer from Offaly, Duncan will also explore another livestock farming system that’s growing traction in Ireland, which benefits biodiversity, water quality, climate change, and farmer’s profits. ‘Regenerative Farming’ sees farmers cut out their chemical fertilizer inputs and imported feed while offering a premium product.
Could what’s happening on these farms be the way forward for Ireland’s livestock farmers?
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