Call for environmental oil & gas technologies

Calgary, Canada (GLOBE-Net) – The Environmental Research Advisory Council Fund (ERAC) of the Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC) has issued its latest call for funding applications for technologies that that offer practical, cost-effective solutions to environmental issues in the upstream oil and gas industry.

ERAC is seeking applications for the 2008 funding cycle for projects that are of focused interest to industry. The Fund is part of the upstream oil and gas industry’s Broad Industry Initiatives (BII) fund. BII funds are generated through an Alberta well levy, collected on behalf of CAPP and SEPAC by the Energy and Utilities Board (EUB).

The selection of projects for funding follows a close examination by a panel comprised of three Governors of CAPP and a Director of SEPAC. The selection criteria ensures the projects funded have an Alberta focus and that the Broad Industry Initiative (BII) funding mechanism is not the only source of funding for each initiative.

In 2007, ERAC provided over $1.2M for environmental research projects.

CAPP’s priorities for 2008 are to identify cost effective ways to:

  • Measure/inventory and reduce/control air emissions

  • Remediate soils that contain salt or hydrocarbons

  • Identify and protect sensitive or endangered species and their habitat in areas where oil and gas exploration or production occurs

  • Reduce potential negative ecological impacts associated with the use and disposal of water by the oil and gas industry
PTAC has been contracted to facilitate this program and is neutral in the ERAC process. ERAC funds are distributed with direction from CAPP and SEPAC as part of their commitment to improving environmental, safety and health performance of their member’s operations. To be approved for funding, projects must provide science-based solutions to current and emerging environmental issues that are critical to the industry. This fund is for research projects only, not technology development.

The call for funding applications can be found here.

For more information, also see the Framework and Process Model for Collaborative Environmental Research and Technology Development (R&D) in the Western Canadian Oil and Gas Industry (PDF).

The deadline for applications is: June 22, 2007 

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