- When will Vehicle to Grid services take off?
- Will plug-in and electric vehicles cause a reduction in demand
for hybrids? - How will the plug-in hybrid market evolve?
- Which region of the world will dominate the production and use
of electric vehicles? - What is the grid’s weak link in meeting the power demand of
Electric Vehicles 10 Predictions for 2010

electric vehicles (EVs) will be driving the world’s roadways within
the next five years.
This will have obvious impacts on the
automotive industry, utilities and consumers, but deeper analysis
reveals trends that will reshape the way vehicles are built and
used. By looking beyond the market data, we have identified
10 key trends to watch out for as the EV market takes shape.
While the full effects of this automotive
revolution will take years to be realized in the mainstream market,
its impact on auto manufacturers, battery makers, utilities, and
smart grid companies will be profound. According to a new
white paper from Pike Research, 2010 will be a critical year for
the emerging EV industry.
“The electric vehicle market is full of myths and
misinformation,” says senior analyst John Gartner. “Our
analysis shines a bright light on key business and technology
issues in the EV industry and reveals important truths about how
the market will evolve in 2010 and beyond.”
Pike Research’s “10 Predictions for 2010″ white
paper explores hot topics including the true cost of owning
an EV versus a gasoline vehicle, key challenges facing OEMs as they
prepare for the mainstream launch of PHEVs, the role of Lithium Ion
batteries, and utility grid infrastructure upgrades that will be
required to support the adoption of EVs. Conclusions and
predictions in this paper are drawn from our in-depth coverage of
the Clean Transportation industry, and market forecasts are
included for key sectors.
A few of Pike Research’s industry predictions include the
- The cost of owning and driving an electric vehicle is not
likely to be cheaper than using gasoline. - The plug-in hybrids of 2020 may not resemble the plug-ins of
2010. - Lithium Ion batteries sold with the first EVs may have little
to no resale value. - Asia will be the dominant supplier and consumer of electric
vehicles and batteries. - The grid as a whole will accommodate and even benefit from EV
charging, but some neighborhoods with multiple EVs could overwhelm
utility equipment.
The white paper is published in partnership
with HybridCars.com. href=”http://www.hybridcars.com/user/register” target=”_blank”
title=”HybridCars.com”>Click here to sign up for a free
HybridCars.com account.
What Does This Report Answer?
Who Needs This Report?
- Automotive industry
- Fleet managers
- Battery suppliers
- Stationary energy storage suppliers
- State and federal legislators
- Smart grid companies
target=”_blank”>Download the free report here
Source: www.pikeresearch.com