Klean Industries assists businesses in becoming more profitable, sustainable, and environmentally responsible by providing integrated clean-energy retrofitting solutions for commercial buildings and industrial facilities. We implement new energy-efficient systems to replace outdated and inefficient energy infrastructures. In today’s world, energy retrofitting is one of the most effective methods for businesses to minimize their environmental impact. Many business owners and operators have partnered with Klean to reduce their carbon footprint, thereby lessening their organization’s environmental impact and lowering their overall operational costs. On average, for every dollar invested in clean energy retrofits, users can expect to save about six dollars—so it’s wise to consider retrofitting now!

Our team has conducted hundreds of lighting audits and retrofits, yielding outstanding, quantifiable results. Some of our lighting retrofit projects have enabled clients to save an average of 40% to 50% on their lighting-related energy expenses. This equates to over $728,000 annually, $60,000 monthly, and approximately $2,000 daily in savings for some businesses.

Our Energy Retrofit Business Models

Klean’s unique retrofit process begins with a comprehensive energy audit and an evaluation of a company’s energy issues and infrastructure. Once the analysis is complete, we move on to project design, aiming to take advantage of government incentives and grants for the improvements. Through an organized project management system, we efficiently oversee contracting, installation, and monitoring. The entire energy retrofit program employs proven technologies, methods, and techniques that have already been successfully implemented in the retrofitting industry.

1. Performance Contracting:

  • Performance contracting, also known as ‘third party financing’ or ‘contract energy management,’ can be used to pay for measures to reduce energy and waste-disposal costs or recover materials.
  • A third-party contractor designs, installs, finances, and, if required, operates the cost-saving technology. The contractor is then paid according to the savings achieved - i.e. the performance.

2. Energy Financing Districts (EFDs):

  • This mechanism enables local governments to raise money by issuing bonds to fund such energy projects.
  • The financing is repaid over a set number of years through a special tax or assessment on the property tax bill of only those property owners who choose to participate in the program.
  • Examples include Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), Sustainable Energy Financing, and Special Tax Districts.

3. Client/Consumer Financed

  • The customer finances the total cost of the retrofit.
  • The customer estimates that the upfront cost of the retrofit will be more than offset by future energy savings.

At Klean, we’re excited to offer financing for your entire energy retrofit project in exchange for a share of the future savings on your energy costs. This arrangement creates a fantastic triple-win: you enjoy immediate savings on energy expenses, the environment sees a reduction in ecological impact, and Klean strengthens its commitment to innovative energy savings programs. As leaders in cleantech innovation, we’re dedicated to providing the most comprehensive energy-efficient solutions available today. If you think your business could benefit from our energy retrofitting services, we’d love to connect! At Klean Industries, our mission is to empower you and your company to become more environmentally sustainable and thrive. Let’s make a positive impact together!